Our Chronicles have seen some real great moments so far and we would love to share them with you post at a time. More of what we do- Coffee/Non coffee , what have we done in coffee , what we plan to achieve in coffee , people we have met , our TEAM , experiences and knowledge hub of COFFEE!
And believing that coffee lets you pass through anything is pretty much true. We love coffee. And at times it is exactly what you need to pursue your passion. LOVE FOR WHAT YOU DO.
Coffee for us is a lifestyle a choice and not a compulsion. We are dedicated towards it and do we lovvvve it. A whole LATTE LOVE! if we may;)
So here is the deal at Corridor Seven Coffee Roasters we are not hippies we aint
trying to be cool by being in this, " wave of coffee culture " , in fact after i came from Australia ( i love that place and i owe a lot to you mates!) - we started from our backyard a place which all we thought would let us roast , brew and cup some beautiful coffees. We started brewing and i am humbled how our customers started knowing about us even before we were ready. Having No crockery or furniture- still we had 5-6 people coming daily who dint mind helping us in packing coffee , lift boxes in exchange of there cup of coffee , and it kept on increasing. We remember how we used to get alert when we used to see "walk-ins" from the passage. ( we are tucked in between a massive commercial market- place for diwali shopping and we had no boards or signage) . That feeling is good. Little did we know we will be asked to get online by our customers from India and abroad who have seen us brew , roast ,pack , lift , cup and literally grow brick by brick:) For us here Coffee means - building relations , bonds , creating mutual respect , remembering the beverage our customer had last time , asking them how there day was , at times sharing the table with them if the business is slow ( we miss talking that much now a days) and certainly collaborating with people of same mindset.
We got a few Philoshophy's that we stand by and have build our foundation on
1. We dont negotiate with our farmers. Its simple either the quality suits us or not. And then if the price is in our bracket- we are happy to buy if not we wait for the right time to buy.
2. No paper work- we dont believe in "Contracts" and believe in a man's/ woman's word maybe - spit on the hand and a hand shake.
3. Team and Vendors - For us team is everything and our vendors are our extended family (yeah many may argue that extended family is a little pain:P but trust us its not the case here)
4. But first Coffee , or COFFEE and FIRST COFFEE period - we have given our best to do our homework and with an uneven playing field for us in the "bootstrapping" mode in terms of finances we have managed to built it all up from a barren land- which was shut for 22 years , and we kept adding with basic stuff - you should know, furniture too did not fall under the category of "basic":P !! So with a tiny room , roaster ,green beans , a Q-Grader certificate (which was hellish difficult to achieve , and we are proud of it more on that later) , the title of First Indian Aeropress Champion , huge excitement and homework and experience we began on 18th october 2017. Did not make a project plan ,since all it needed was heart , soul ,massive perseverance and TEAM!
This is a big hello to you all. We are excited to open the "behind the scenes of Coffee life"
We hope we will be proud of the chronicals even after 20 years know why? because we do it for our heart , for you and for COFFEE!
Our T-shirts read-
"Dreams don't see what address they come from" .
More .. much much freaking more soon.